Thursday, December 16, 2010

Making Choices

Our dog is a Tibetan Terrier, I like to think that he shines some Tibetan energy each and every day into our home… the peace and solitude and quiet awareness that Tibetan monks exude somehow across the great earth are shared through this tiny being who brings unconditional joy and love.
Our little monk dog is named Indiana Jones Bingo Magnacca. I know, a lot of names for a little dog.  My son who turned 12 named him after the trilogy of movies, which are our family favorites.
My favorite part of all the movies is the scene with the Grail Knight.  The Grail Knight is weak in body but not in spirit or motivation. After seven hundred years of awaiting for his replacement, he more at CNY Fertility.

Join me 
Monday, December 20th at 6:30pm 
to discuss “Making Choices” about fertility issues, balancing the holiday festivities and life.
Our special guest will be Joanne Verkuilen the founder and co-ceo of Circle + Bloom. 
Joanne will facilitate a short meditation at the end of the hour.
Also, getting into the spirit of the holidays we will be raffling a combination gift of the Love & Infertility CD and a Circle & Bloom CD!
To RSVP and register for the gift set please email  Feel free to email any questions or topics that you’d like to discuss prior to the tele-workshop.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Complimentary Coaching Tonight

Please join me this evening for a
Complimentary Tele-Coaching Session
6:30-7:30 pm EST
If you or anyone you know would be encouraged by a loving and understanding conversation about fertility challenges, please email for the number to call and join us today!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You're Invited to a State House Event

Thank You RESOLVE of New England!

RESOLVE Of New England

Not all states, in fact only 15 including the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have legislation in place so that Infertility-related health care costs are covered by insurance.

Why? Because RESOLVE of New England was the gatekeeper for this reform and former Gov. Dukakis among others, signed the original mandate into law. Now we need to keep it that way...

So PLEASE join RESOLVE of New England on 
Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the State House 
and help us honor the legislators who we consider to be "Champions For Infertility Legislation."

It is important we have presence since the new Health Care law says each mandate will be reviewed to determine their value and cost to the Commonwealth. The more people at the event, the more the legislators will remember that this is a mandate needed and supported by constituents.
Click Here For More

See you there!
Or, send me a note at with your opinion and I will represent your presence.

The Balance of Giving and Receiving

"Abundance is not something we acquire.  It is something we tune into."
Wayne Dyer

Learn how to "tune in"  when it feels like we've run dry.
Thanks to Fertility Authority for the article.

Season for Reflection . . .

The season of winter hosts the opportunity to sit with a warm cup of tea or coffee and reflect a bit. The image of a roaring fire and a wing back chair inviting you to remember what this year held for you, what you have learned about yourself and what beliefs have shifted or changed in order to create newness in you and your life.

The cycle of December brings an end to the year but also the promise of a new beginning through the New Year by the release of what might be heavy of heart, what might have hurt so badly that through the hurt you have become someone else.

We somehow believe that a release or a death of a belief is a bad thing, but in actuality it is a beginning bringing forth freedom.

I would like you to give yourself the gift of 'releasing what you no longer need' and in that newly open space give yourself permission to create anew. Let your heart's desire sing with joy from yourself. Simply asking what do you intend for yourself? Begin thinking about creating your new "Dream's List" and open yourself to the spirit behind this beautiful season.

What is your heart's Desire? What do you expect from yourself? What do you expect from your life?

Answer from a place of unwavering faith!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Big Holiday Giveaway!

I am excited to partner with Circle+Bloom this year for a fantastic giveaway.  Circle+Bloom provides listening programs that have been developed based on using relaxation and guided visualization to help you be proactive, reduce the effects of stress, and feel better about where you are on your family building journey.  Their programs are simple, convenient, and recommended by reproductive specialists around the country.

In this giveaway you can win a coaching session with me (valued at $125), and the Circle+Bloom Energy for Empowerment Program.  With these tools in your toolbox you will be unstoppable as you continue on your fertility journey, no matter what stage you're currently in.

There are 2 ways to be eligible to win:

1) With any purchase of one of my books or CD's or any of Circle+Bloom's programs between now and December 10.
2) Fill out the no purchase necessary form on their website.

One entry per person - the winner will be drawn on December 10 and notified by email.  Good luck!

Celebrate the Simple Pleasures this Season!

When I was growing up, it seemed we had a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree each and every year. We always chose the tree that looked like it had been...continue reading my latest article on Cape Women Online.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Holiday Survival Tips!

Time seems to be flying by more quickly these days, doesn’t it?  And when you’re trying to create your family through fertility treatments, time always seems to be an issue.  I remember the anxiety produced as each month ticked by at lightning speed.  Then add the stressors of the holiday season: shopping, preparations, the family and social gatherings, and it might feel as though time is our keeper.
I remember crying while looking at December’s calendar as we began an IUI cycle and realizing that I would be in the middle of it right around Christmas and New Year's.  In hindsight I wish I had taken the holiday off. But that is looking back on our situation from an 11-year distance. When you’re “in the heat of battle,” that option might not sound, feel or seem correct for you.  But I’d like to offer my armchair opinion about holding off on a cycle during the holiday season…if at all possible.
If you decide moving full speed ahead is what’s best for you, then here are some tried and true strategies that can help you bring balance and joyfulness into the season, regardless if you are in a cycle or taking a break.
Social Gatherings and Parties
Here’s a strategy that changes the event from potential failure to a winner. 
Break down the event into parts.  Decide which parties you are capable of attending.  Perhaps you are in a position where you “must attend” and are feeling the pressure.  Commit to yourself and/or your partner that you will attend the cocktail portion and then make a discrete exit.  Stay longer if you are up to it.  But if you feel you’ve fulfilled your goal, then leave acknowledging “another job was well done!” 
Create an elevator speech.  An elevator speech is a rehearsed and well-delivered speech at the ready to answer those annoying questions such as: “Do you have children?” “When are you going to have children?” and the dreaded, “Isn’t it time for you both to start having children?”
My tried and true elevator speech was “We have a whole team of experts working on that.”
Remember to use the Every Day Certainty combination by committing to the follow each and every day:
Gratitude:  Writing down ten things you are grateful for each day and using this as your mantra if those negative thoughts start to creep in.
Nurturing Item:  Finding one special thing you can do each and every day to uplift your spirit.  Perhaps it’s a hot cup of tea, a long shower or walk, or maybe a secret indulgence of a candy.
Daily Intention:  A daily intention is a mini-goal for the day.  Setting your intention to be open to all possibilities or perhaps finding the joy in communication exchanges.  What can you intend to look for and give out during the day that will help others and yourself?  After all, this season is more about giving than receiving. 

And remember, the holiday season will soon pass. But if you can use these strategies to enjoy it as much as possible, you will find yourself feeling stronger as you start a new year.

~ ALSO ~
Don't miss my special Holiday Survival Coaching Group on
December 9, 2010
6:30-8:30 pm
Join the sisterhood of understanding and make these holidays a joyful season!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thankfulness? Really??

Many thanks to CNY Fertility for sharing my tips on how to shift our thinking!

This Monday, Nov 15, CNY will sponsor my complimentary tele-workshop. I will be discussing powerful, practical ways to combine gratitude and chillaxation! This is not to be confused with a "just relax and get pregnant" approach. I would love for you to cozy up in your favorite spot of the house and join our phone workshop - just email me at for the dial-in number!

The Attitude of Gratitude:
I spoke to a client the other day and was preaching the good word about cultivating an attitude of gratitude to shift the energy around her fertility journey and she looked me straight in the eyes and responded with “blah, blah, blah”.

Perhaps you are feeling similar to this wonderful client of mine, the concept of cultivating gratitude has been shared before and sounds all well and good to you but today you might not be feeling it. You might be saying to yourself how can I have gratitude for….

  • A treatment cycle that has abruptly been stopped?
  • Another cycle that has resulted in a negative outcome?
  • Or the emotional tiredness that you are feeling?

In my humble opinion, The Law of Gratitude is the most powerful of the spiritual laws. Holding gratitude even in the most dire situation, finding that one little speck to be grateful for, can shift and change your perspective and in turn change your situation.

Getting back to my “Blah, Blah, Blah” wonderful lady, here’s the tip I shared with her:

We’re all human, experiencing a human experience. We have positive experiences and not so positive experiences. If we cultivate the practice of finding the positive in the negative then the intensity of the negative will diminish.

So here’s the tip:
On those days that gratitude is a faint flicker of light, try to remember your toes and feet; that you have them and that they are holding you up, keeping you balanced and help you travel through your day, mostly unnoticed.

Give gratitude for your toes and feet that can carry the weight of your day’s burdens, taking steps that lead you to your joy, freedom and fun. If you feel adventurous try giving thanks for your body during the month of November, given that it holds Thanksgiving Day within the month.

Remember each and every part of your body that allows you to do all that you are doing to create your family… you could start at your toes and feet and work up! Acknowledge your knees, that bend for you onto your hips, and so on! Acknowledgment and gratitude are all part of cultivating an attitude of gratitude and begins with tiny steps!

Yoga is such an amazing tool to use to cultivate gratitude for your body and brings you into your body. I encourage you to check out the CNY Healing Arts schedule and try a class if you haven’t yet, or if you are a regular, include the concept of gratitude for your body during your practice of yoga.

Happy Thanksgiving Days!

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”
~Brian Tracy

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Second Time Around!

How to deal with the difficulties of infertility, when they hit you again.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Signatures and Complimentary Copies!

Join me this Monday, Oct 25 if you are Denver, Colorado attending the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Annual Meeting! I'll be at the Village Fertility booth
signing books and giving complimentary copies of my New CD
to my visitors - come introduce yourself, I look forward to meeting you!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

He Said, She Said . . .

"That's it. I'm calling the clinic right now!" he said.
"No, don't do that, I just needed to tell you what happened. I feel better now that I've vented," she said.
"What did you say?" he said.
"I said I feel better now. Phew, thanks," she said.
He looked like a deer caught in a headlight and walked away!

How do we reconcile these communication challenges in the midst of fertility difficulties that are already making life stressful? Read my strategy and let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Drugs or No Drugs?

How do you balance the inner chatter of taking fertility medication when you really don’t want to?

Last week during Dr. Rob’s sponsored complimentary tele-workshop our discussion turned to the inner turmoil about taking fertility drugs when in your “other” life you weren’t a “drug taker.”

There was an amazing lady on the call who shared that a grief counselor offered a mantra that “These drugs will help me be a mom,” to quiet that tiny voice debating the “Do I take the drugs or don’t I take the drugs?” question.

“What I know now that I wished I knew then” was to make the association back to the fact that when we’re in fertility treatments it is because we have a medical condition no different from diabetes…that if you were diagnosed with diabetes you would take insulin, correct? Well, during the time of this condition your body needs this injectable medication to create, sustain, and maintain a pregnancy.

One strategy for shifting the negative emotions around taking the fertility medication might be to call in gratitude for the medication, which is bringing you closer to being a mom. I remember being so upset with my “body” for not achieving pregnancy, all the while diminishing all my uterus’ work in creating a super lining and my ovaries for super ovulating. It was trying its best just like your mind and soul!

In a Gratitude List ~ which contains ten things you are grateful for each day ~ you might want to start off with expressing your thankfulness for your body, how it is working away, and also for the makers of the medication that is at work too.

FYI~ if you purchase your medication from a fertility pharmacy such as Village Fertility Pharmacy, not only do you get a knowledgeable resource, you also get 24/7 support from their team of nurses too!

“You have the ability to talk yourself in and out of anything!” Dr. Robert Kiltz

Monday, September 27, 2010

Special Event on Thursday!

Do you need time with a group of individuals who completely understand what you're going through? Join us for an encouraging and understanding time of discussion...this will be a very special Fall Fertility Coaching Group taking place in Sandwich, MA.

This Thursday, Sept 30, 2010
7:00pm EST
68 Tupper Road, Suite 5A, Sandwich, MA
Fee: $10

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Check out the recording on Itunes!

The Surrogacy Lawyer, author and radio host Theresa Erickson invites you to join her for a lively discussion with Dr. Robert Kiltz of CNY Fertility and Kristen Magnacca, author of Love and Infertility, about retaining and nurturing patients. Attorney Erickson will discuss with our guests how in trying to help their patients have a baby, sometimes physicians and other providers focus so much on the clinical or procedural aspects of treatment that they neglect the emotional side of infertility and how they should be communicating with patients.
They forget that positive, caring words and actions count in addition to expert clinical care. As a result, some patients fail to continue with treatment and never achieve their cherished dream of building a family – at least not with that particular clinic or agency.

On Thursday, September 23 at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST, Surrogacy Lawyer, author and radio host Theresa Erickson will be interviewing them on The Surrogacy Lawyer: Your Guide to IVF and Third Party Family Building. “We are excited to bring in delighted to bring Dr. Robert Kiltz and Kristen Magnacca to our listeners to discuss their vision and experience with building a patient-centric fertility practice.” says Attorney Erickson.

Now Listen On ITunes!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Few Announcements!

First, I want to thank Rachel Gurevich for a great review of my book, Love & Infertility, on Check it out here!

We have several great articles and events coming your way this month:

I have a new article I'd like to encourage you with over at CNY Fertility, I hope you take a minute to read it. Also, be sure to set aside Mon, Sept. 20 6:30-7:30pm EST for a complimentary tele-workshop hosted by CNY, and presented by yours truly! We will focus on some valuable relaxation techniques, and you can call in from anywhere to join us. Hope to "see" you there!

The second Tuesday of every month is Tele-Tuesday. Plan to join us Sept. 14, 6:30-8:00pm EST, from within the comfort of your own home. Find out call-in details on my calendar page.

And of course, we have a special Fall Fertility Coaching Group this month on Sept. 22! I hope you'll be there!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall Fertility Coaching Group

Come by for a special Fall Fertility Coaching Group at my office, "A Time in Grace."

This time of encouragement will be held on Thursday, Sept. 30 at 7:00 pm, so mark your calendar now for a lovely evening on beautiful Cape Cod.

You will meet other individuals who completely understand what you're going through and how you're feeling, and I'll share simple yet effective strategies to help you manage your creation process. It will be a wonderful evening, so I hope you join us!

$10 Registration, RSVP to

Monday, August 2, 2010

Journey with Creation Yoga & Meditation with Kim Blanc

August 4 and Every Wednesday at 7:00pm

Location: "A Time In Grace" (Kristen's Office) 68 Tupper Road, Suite 5A, Sandwich, MA

Gentle beginner Hatha yoga for those who want to bring a deep sense of relaxation to their mind, body, & spirit. Peaceful yoga & meditation; a journey within to connect to the source of your healing power and have some fun. Stay tuned for a new Fall Yoga Series.

Fees: $12 Registration required

RSVP:, call 508-517-7381 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 508-517-7381 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or visit

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Complimentary Teleworkshop!

Mark your calendars! Don't miss out on this workshop celebrating independence and inner strength! Courtesy of CNY Fertility - Monday, July 19, 6:30 pm. RSVP to

Thursday, July 8, 2010

To-do List: Work, School, Groceries, Cook, Clean...Passion?

Passion can seem like something that just happens, spur of the moment, when we're caught up in certain emotions...or is it just as meaningful and important when we schedule it into our lives?

Read all about it in my new article for Fertility Authority!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Infertility Support: Talking your way through it!

Since I was a small child I was told I talked too much. In the first grade the teacher created a special code on my report card adding the number “5” to the conduct row and wrote in “talking” which is currently on my permanent school record. My mother frequently reminds me of this and it is over 41 years ago!

So, it was no surprise when my husband and I entered into the world of assisted reproductive therapies that my first means of coping about our current situation was to...check out the rest of my article on Fertility Ties!

The Summer Solstice

June 21st is the Summer Solstice, the astronomical event when we hit summer and the sun actually appears to reverse direction while reaching its northernmost extreme. The Celebration of the summer has ancient ties and the people believed that the mid-summer plants had miraculous healing powers and picked them on this night. (I read this on Wikipedia).

You might be wondering why I am bringing up the Summer Solstice and it’s correlation to the fertility journey?

Here’s my personal experience. During my first year during our journey, I was no holds barred, GO, GO, GO and it went like this...check out the rest of my article on CNY Fertility!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Complimentary Tele-Workshop!

Don't miss this Tuesday's tele-workshop as I discuss "Love and Infertility: How to balance another cycle and summer fun!" (including a discussion with a special 'male' focus):

Tuesday, June 8 6:30-7:30pm
Email for dial-in info
Join us the 2nd Tuesday of every month!

Also, check out my new article over at CNY Fertility!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Flip It and Switch It!

Did you know that “sol" & "stice” are Latin words that mean “sun" & "to stand still”?

Given that both the Summer Solstice and Father’s Day are on June 20th this year I would like to offer a strategy to help change the associations to this day - get moving! Don’t stand still!

Celebrate the longest day of the year with the intention of FUN!

Plan something together which is your partner or husband’s choice, fishing, biking, walking on the beach or in the woods, seeing a movie, or perhaps surprise him with an “out of the ordinary” day!

But whatever you do, shift the focus to that of creating a memory!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Come see me in Houston!

Houston Fertility Insitute has invited me to speak:

Thursday, June 3rd at 6:30pm

The Westchase Marriott
2900 Briarpark Drive ~ Houston 77042 ~ 713-978-7400

They will be giving away an IVF cycle, and every person who attends receives a complimentary copy of Love & Infertility.
Come join us!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April is Aphrodite's Month!

Did you know that April is Aphrodite's Month? Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty and sexuality. She is identified with the Roman goddess Venus. April means Aphrodite.

As we move into the month of April and spring there is a natural cycle to blooming and fertility. The earth is coming alive again from the dormant winter.

During this month the week of April 24 through May 1st is National Infertility Awareness Week, I like to refer to this week as "Fertility Awareness" so please join me for many offerings to celebrate our feminine energy during this week!

Saturday, April 24, 1:00-3:00 PM, Village Fertility Pharmacy will host a complimentary "Love and Infertility" event during National Infertility Awareness Week with award-winning fertility author, consultant and life coach Kristen Magnacca. Magnacca will help participants celebrate their feminine energy and learn strategies for creation and coping. 335 Bear Hill Road, Waltham MA. The event is limited to 30 women. Register at

Monday, April 26, 6:30-8:30 PM, "Focus on Flourishing: The Fertile Mind, Body and Soul Connection" Kristen, with kundalini yoga instructor Jill Sasso Curtis, and massage therapist and yoga instructor Kim Blanc, will collaborate to present three mini - workshops focusing on Flourishing for your mind, body & soul.
Kristen will focus on the mind, helping participants learn how to develop a "Fertility Game Plan~ give birth to your heart's desire". Sasso Curtis and Blanc will focus on body and soul flourishing techniques. Time in Grace Offices, 68 Tupper Road, Suite 5, Sandwich, MA. Register at

Thursday, April 29th, 6:30-8pm
Focus on Flourishing Tele-Workshop, Join Dr. Rob Kiltz and Kristen Magnacca as they share information, support and more to celebrate National Infertility Awareness Week. Dr. Kiltz will announce details of his IVF Giveaway during the call. All are welcome to join, no cost to participate! RSVP to Kristen at for the phone number to dial-in and join.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Fever!

Spring Fever! I got it bad!

Feeling as though I am not able to concentrate or follow through on tasks. My eyelids are so darn heavy!!!

Don't get me wrong I'm working through the "to-do" list but I have a longing. I stumbled upon this quote from Mark Twain and I think he was talking about me!!! Or perhaps he was talking to you?

“It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!” Mark Twain

Do you feel it too? The beating of your undercover heart’s desires that perhaps are longing for renewal and the promise of the spring cycle? Rebirthing you?

So, I ask you what is your heart aching for?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day Events

During the month of February, please join me for the following events focusing on "keeping your loving feelings alive". Blessings, Kristen

February 9th Love & Infertility ~ Tele-Workshop 6:30 to 8:00pm Sponsored by Village Fertility Pharmacy
Keeping that loving feeling during fertility treatments
Listen in from the comfort of your home as Kristen Magnacca shares some proven strategies to keep lines of communication open between you and your partner, discusses tips to go from reactionary to proactive through this time. Kristen will share with you “what she know now that she wished she knew then” about keeping the loving energy flowing. RSVP to for call in information.

Listen in on February 10th Legal Broadcast NetworkRadio Show Theresa Erickson

February 23rd Melissa Brisman
Join Melissa Brisman and me as we discuss balancing strategies and fertility game plan including the options of creating your family through adoption and surrogacy.
This free teleworkshop RSVP to