Not all states, in fact only 15 including the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have legislation in place so that Infertility-related health care costs are covered by insurance.
Why? Because RESOLVE of New England was the gatekeeper for this reform and former Gov. Dukakis among others, signed the original mandate into law. Now we need to keep it that way...
So PLEASE join RESOLVE of New England on
Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the State House
and help us honor the legislators who we consider to be "Champions For Infertility Legislation."
It is important we have presence since the new Health Care law says each mandate will be reviewed to determine their value and cost to the Commonwealth. The more people at the event, the more the legislators will remember that this is a mandate needed and supported by constituents.
Click Here For More
See you there!
Or, send me a note at with your opinion and I will represent your presence.
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