Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Power of Stillness

The power of stillness!

The month of March brings the promise of spring and transformation.  You might be saying to yourself... Really?

The transformation of March into the splendor of spring pushes us to let go and shed our layers to embrace the changes for not only the seasons but for ourselves.  So often we hold on so tightly to how things are now in fear of moving forward to avoid hurt.  (Especially during fertility treatments)

How can you balance the power of this transformational energy while dealing with disappointment, heartbreak and uncertainty? 

One strategy is through the power of stillness, through being in nature and connecting to the amazing energy of creation.

For me personally, after the loss of our first pregnancy, I hid inside of our house alone with my sorrow.  What helped me bring myself back was the simple act of being with the sadness, acknowledging it and sitting in the springtime's sunshine. 

The energy of the outside can change your heart.  So for this month, and since March is said to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, I am assigning homework...

    ·    Be with yourself in silence for 10 minutes a day during March... Really, try it in the car... can you be quiet for 10 minutes? No cell phone or music playing?  Become curious about what thoughts come up and how you feel.

    ·    Second, be outside for 10 minutes just for you!  Bundle up for the lioness part of March and wear flip flops for the lamb of March.

These are two very simple and transformational exercises to help you connect and be in your unique inner power. 


Did you know that February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 in the old Roman calendar.

You might be saying so what? 

The reason I open the February newsletter with the idea of purification is that February holds a great opportunity to take the time to shed the energies of the last few months, December & January and purify your mind, body and soul. 

I hear you!  You might be saying, "I have been eating correctly, taking my medication and doing all that needs to be done to create my heart's desire and now you want me to focus on purification?" 

Well, let's just say for this month's intention that you will hold the concept of divine timing and create a system to give all worry, anger or sadness in yourself to the Higher Power.

In your mind, when a negative or fearful thought arises, create a script such as asking yourself, "Is this thought helpful"?  If the inner response you get is a "NO", then add in another script, "All is well, I release this worry to the universe", or "I am surrounded by the divine white light".

This simple act of purification helps you to remember that you are enough and filling yourself up first helps you to easily love all.

Oh, one more strategy- a great laugh!  Check out this website that offers a Universal Laughter Room, choose your laugh, your color and your intention!   I picked green, unconditional love and the hard laugh.  For me, it felt so much lighter and joyful after a great laugh!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Setting goals...with a twist!

Monday January 17th @ 6:30 pm, free to attend from the comfort of your own home. This month we will focus on goal setting with a twist. *RSVP to Kristen@cnyfertility.com.

All those who sign up for this tele-workshop will receive a
complimentary EveryDay Certainty CD as a gift from Dr. Rob.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If you had unlimited time, talent, money, and support...

Instead of starting out this new year all 'gang busters' with various resolutions, go easy on yourself and imagine what you would do if you had unlimited time, talent, money, and support from family and friends. Take a look at my January newsletter to refocus and remember what is important during the start of a new year!  May God bless you all in 2011.

Also in this month's newsletter:
Another one of my favorite things!
Helpful tele-workshops
Keeping Love Alive

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Making Choices

Our dog is a Tibetan Terrier, I like to think that he shines some Tibetan energy each and every day into our home… the peace and solitude and quiet awareness that Tibetan monks exude somehow across the great earth are shared through this tiny being who brings unconditional joy and love.
Our little monk dog is named Indiana Jones Bingo Magnacca. I know, a lot of names for a little dog.  My son who turned 12 named him after the trilogy of movies, which are our family favorites.
My favorite part of all the movies is the scene with the Grail Knight.  The Grail Knight is weak in body but not in spirit or motivation. After seven hundred years of awaiting for his replacement, he still...read more at CNY Fertility.

Join me 
Monday, December 20th at 6:30pm 
to discuss “Making Choices” about fertility issues, balancing the holiday festivities and life.
Our special guest will be Joanne Verkuilen the founder and co-ceo of Circle + Bloom. 
Joanne will facilitate a short meditation at the end of the hour.
Also, getting into the spirit of the holidays we will be raffling a combination gift of the Love & Infertility CD and a Circle & Bloom CD!
To RSVP and register for the gift set please email Kristen@cnyfertility.com.  Feel free to email any questions or topics that you’d like to discuss prior to the tele-workshop.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Complimentary Coaching Tonight

Please join me this evening for a
Complimentary Tele-Coaching Session
6:30-7:30 pm EST
If you or anyone you know would be encouraged by a loving and understanding conversation about fertility challenges, please email info@kristenmagnacca.com for the number to call and join us today!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You're Invited to a State House Event

Thank You RESOLVE of New England!

RESOLVE Of New England

Not all states, in fact only 15 including the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have legislation in place so that Infertility-related health care costs are covered by insurance.

Why? Because RESOLVE of New England was the gatekeeper for this reform and former Gov. Dukakis among others, signed the original mandate into law. Now we need to keep it that way...

So PLEASE join RESOLVE of New England on 
Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. at the State House 
and help us honor the legislators who we consider to be "Champions For Infertility Legislation."

It is important we have presence since the new Health Care law says each mandate will be reviewed to determine their value and cost to the Commonwealth. The more people at the event, the more the legislators will remember that this is a mandate needed and supported by constituents.
Click Here For More

See you there!
Or, send me a note at info@kristenmagnacca.com with your opinion and I will represent your presence.