Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Did you know that February was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 in the old Roman calendar.

You might be saying so what? 

The reason I open the February newsletter with the idea of purification is that February holds a great opportunity to take the time to shed the energies of the last few months, December & January and purify your mind, body and soul. 

I hear you!  You might be saying, "I have been eating correctly, taking my medication and doing all that needs to be done to create my heart's desire and now you want me to focus on purification?" 

Well, let's just say for this month's intention that you will hold the concept of divine timing and create a system to give all worry, anger or sadness in yourself to the Higher Power.

In your mind, when a negative or fearful thought arises, create a script such as asking yourself, "Is this thought helpful"?  If the inner response you get is a "NO", then add in another script, "All is well, I release this worry to the universe", or "I am surrounded by the divine white light".

This simple act of purification helps you to remember that you are enough and filling yourself up first helps you to easily love all.

Oh, one more strategy- a great laugh!  Check out this website that offers a Universal Laughter Room, choose your laugh, your color and your intention!   I picked green, unconditional love and the hard laugh.  For me, it felt so much lighter and joyful after a great laugh!

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