I completed my “to do list” for Thursday containing my Thanksgiving’s Day Contributions:
1) Grandma’s secret meat stuffing (I’ll take the recipe to the grave) 2) Brownies 3) Ice box Pie (Chocolate pudding in a graham cracker crust) 4) Home made cranberry sauce
I am so grateful for the abundance in our lives and I am actually anticipating the “over stuffed” feeling.
Do you know the feeling? The turkey- tryptophan induced sleepy feeling brought on along with the over indulgence of mashed potatoes and all the fixings, especially the secret meat stuffing!
But most of all I am anticipating being with my family. My not so “normal” family who finds joy in each other’s crazy antics. Last year my sister brought the long skinny balloons that you blow up with a straw and when released fly crazy all over. We laughed so hard that we were breathless as each and every one of us held our balloon and released it simultaneously causing group chaos.
That memory is one of our families’ favorite!
After dinner we all comb through the “Black Friday” flyers and plan our strategy for hitting the sales at 4:00 O’clock in the morning.
We do so with a mission, we abstain from purchasing each other gifts, or are suppose to, to create a Christmas for a woman and her family transitioning from the local women’s shelter to her own home. Most of the time these families are victim of spousal abuse and leave their homes with the clothes they have on their backs. So, our intention is to outfit their household and we “charge” out at 4:00 o’clock in the morning with list in hands to do so.
We divide the list up taking our targeted items and off we go, last year my sister and I had the kitchen and the items needed which was so much fun, I’m hoping for the same assignment this year too.
But, it is reading the list of items that the children request which always brings me to tears; socks, PJ’s and crayons, is what they ask for and most frequently they request that we buy things for the other family members not them.
Crayons, socks, PJ’S aren’t those items just a given in a person’s live?
It makes me overly grateful for that overstuffed feeling brought on from the amazing thanksgiving dinner and to be honest a bit embarrassed about the “overstuffed feeling” in the other parts of my life.
So, when a life’s journey brings disappointment, struggle and hardship the comparison to another seems to have a way of snapping yourself out of the “why” me story playing in ones head.
I am extremely blessed even when life brings to me another learning lesson, one that seems insurmountable, because it really is the stuff that helps you cherish the “overstuffed” moments that can sometimes be forgotten.
So for this Thanksgiving I wish you a wonderful turkey nap! God Bless You. Kristen

Monday, November 30, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Are you open to possibilities?
The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind filled with all new and exciting opportunities.
During these last four weeks I have been in three states... New York, South Dakota and Georgia and went to each state with an open heart for adventure and that is what I found.
Do you set your intention to have an open heart? Do you open yourself to all possibilities?
This quote from Leo Buscaglia is a reminder to me of how you can "hold yourself open to life"
"I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind."
So, when was the last time you played in the leaves? Or perhaps you have been complaining about raking them instead? Or when was the last time you skipped? My daughter, Grace and I just skipped into the grocery store on Sunday, we did get some looks but I really didn't care.
Holding your heart open is a matter of making a decision to do so? The practice of being open can be a challenge when life is thrown at you. How about this? For today why don't you begin with checking in on the state of your heart and decide for today that you will remain open to all possibilities that come your way.
Maybe a different seat at lunch to connect with someone you normally don't, or perhaps it is extending yourself to a grieving family member, or perhaps it is just taking a walk and seeing what you notice?
Try something out of the ordinary and possibilities open up!
Blessings, Kristen
During these last four weeks I have been in three states... New York, South Dakota and Georgia and went to each state with an open heart for adventure and that is what I found.
Do you set your intention to have an open heart? Do you open yourself to all possibilities?
This quote from Leo Buscaglia is a reminder to me of how you can "hold yourself open to life"
"I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind."
So, when was the last time you played in the leaves? Or perhaps you have been complaining about raking them instead? Or when was the last time you skipped? My daughter, Grace and I just skipped into the grocery store on Sunday, we did get some looks but I really didn't care.
Holding your heart open is a matter of making a decision to do so? The practice of being open can be a challenge when life is thrown at you. How about this? For today why don't you begin with checking in on the state of your heart and decide for today that you will remain open to all possibilities that come your way.
Maybe a different seat at lunch to connect with someone you normally don't, or perhaps it is extending yourself to a grieving family member, or perhaps it is just taking a walk and seeing what you notice?
Try something out of the ordinary and possibilities open up!
Blessings, Kristen
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Holiday Survival Coaching Group!
NEW! Holiday Survival Coaching Group — The holiday season can be stressful and when you tack on TTC, it can be hard to see this time as the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year"!
I will share with you some simple strategies to shift the energy around this time and help bring joy to the season. The group meetings will focus on strategies for the mind, and a relaxation or meditation for the body and soul. The January group will focus on goal setting and staying clear on the year’s intentions. Come and share, connect with others, have a yummy dessert, and be introduced to some amazing mind, body, and soul balancing techniques.
Thursdays, November 12 and December 3, 2009 and January 7, 2010
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Merchant's Square, 68 Tupper Road 5A, East Sandwich, MA
Fee: $10 per session plus a materials charge
RSVP via email kristen@kristenmagnacca.com
I will share with you some simple strategies to shift the energy around this time and help bring joy to the season. The group meetings will focus on strategies for the mind, and a relaxation or meditation for the body and soul. The January group will focus on goal setting and staying clear on the year’s intentions. Come and share, connect with others, have a yummy dessert, and be introduced to some amazing mind, body, and soul balancing techniques.
Thursdays, November 12 and December 3, 2009 and January 7, 2010
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Merchant's Square, 68 Tupper Road 5A, East Sandwich, MA
Fee: $10 per session plus a materials charge
RSVP via email kristen@kristenmagnacca.com
Singleness of Eye & Purity of Intention
A Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh...
“I believe that what woman resents is not so much giving herself in pieces as giving herself purposelessly.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Anne Marrow Lindbergh was a pioneering American aviator, author, and the spouse of fellow aviator Charles Lindbergh. I knew little of her when I began reading her book this summer and was drawn into her writing immediately as she shared her desire “to be at peace with myself and wanting singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these obligations and activities as well as I can”.
I have been cultivating a practice of focus and intention and found her insight profound even though they were written 50 years ago. Enjoy!
“I believe that what woman resents is not so much giving herself in pieces as giving herself purposelessly.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Anne Marrow Lindbergh was a pioneering American aviator, author, and the spouse of fellow aviator Charles Lindbergh. I knew little of her when I began reading her book this summer and was drawn into her writing immediately as she shared her desire “to be at peace with myself and wanting singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these obligations and activities as well as I can”.
I have been cultivating a practice of focus and intention and found her insight profound even though they were written 50 years ago. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
What is your Summer Intention?
Have you felt it? The feeling of summer is here! The sun, the fun and more relaxed atmosphere has enveloped us!
My family has set our intention on having fun! We took a "staycation" and did tourist things here on Cape Cod Massachusetts and also have planned activities to look forward to such as a Red Sox Game, Concerts and boating.
What is your summer intention? Whatever it is I hope for you a shift in your energy to that of a great sense of renewal!
I hope that you are able to join me for the following Summer Fun Offerings!
Thursday, July 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m Village Fertility Pharmacy will host a Ladies’ Night Out with RESOLVE’s “Best Book” Hope Award winner and author Kristen Magnacca on Thursday, July 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the pharmacy’s new facility at 335 Bear Hill Road in Waltham, Mass. The event is free and open to all women; wine and cheese will be served. Those who would like to attend may RSVP to Maya Nair at mnair@villagepharmacy.com. The first 10 women to RSVP will receive a free copy of Love and Infertility: Strategies for Survival – Balancing Infertility, Marriage, and Life!
Wednesday , August 5th @ 2:00 pm to 3:00 Pm Listen in if you can to my conversation with Kim Hahn of Conceive On Air
Tuesday, August 11th @ noon. I'll be hosting a Brown Bag Tele-workshop
Join me for a half hour of tidbits, insights and strategies to keep yourself cool during life's rough spots. Listen in on your lunch time at your desk or from pool side. Please RSVP to me at kristen@kristenmagnacca.com to receive dial in information. This is a free event.
My family has set our intention on having fun! We took a "staycation" and did tourist things here on Cape Cod Massachusetts and also have planned activities to look forward to such as a Red Sox Game, Concerts and boating.
What is your summer intention? Whatever it is I hope for you a shift in your energy to that of a great sense of renewal!
I hope that you are able to join me for the following Summer Fun Offerings!
Thursday, July 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m Village Fertility Pharmacy will host a Ladies’ Night Out with RESOLVE’s “Best Book” Hope Award winner and author Kristen Magnacca on Thursday, July 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the pharmacy’s new facility at 335 Bear Hill Road in Waltham, Mass. The event is free and open to all women; wine and cheese will be served. Those who would like to attend may RSVP to Maya Nair at mnair@villagepharmacy.com. The first 10 women to RSVP will receive a free copy of Love and Infertility: Strategies for Survival – Balancing Infertility, Marriage, and Life!
Wednesday , August 5th @ 2:00 pm to 3:00 Pm Listen in if you can to my conversation with Kim Hahn of Conceive On Air
Tuesday, August 11th @ noon. I'll be hosting a Brown Bag Tele-workshop
Join me for a half hour of tidbits, insights and strategies to keep yourself cool during life's rough spots. Listen in on your lunch time at your desk or from pool side. Please RSVP to me at kristen@kristenmagnacca.com to receive dial in information. This is a free event.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Night of Hope ~ Best Book Award
June 2nd was a big night in the Big Apple! Love & Infertility: Survival Strategies for Infertility, Marriage and Life, received the Hope Award for Best book for coping with infertility from RESOLVE, the national infertility awareness organization.
Rita Crosby who is a veteran TV news anchor and senior correspondent who most recently worked at MSNBC, along with Barbara Collura, Executive Director and Lee Boston, Executive Board Member, presented this amazing award to me.
Also shown are my mom, Virginia Nehring and Dr. Robert Kiltz of Cny Fertility and Healing Art Centers and my wonderful husband,
Mark and I.
I so appreciate the support from Dr. Robert Kiltz of Cny Fertility and Healing Arts, Terri Davidson of Davidson Communication, the wonderful people at Village Fertility Pharmacy.
To everyone who has sent their congratulations! Thank you! Thank you! Kristen
Rita Crosby who is a veteran TV news anchor and senior correspondent who most recently worked at MSNBC, along with Barbara Collura, Executive Director and Lee Boston, Executive Board Member, presented this amazing award to me.
Also shown are my mom, Virginia Nehring and Dr. Robert Kiltz of Cny Fertility and Healing Art Centers and my wonderful husband,
Mark and I.
I so appreciate the support from Dr. Robert Kiltz of Cny Fertility and Healing Arts, Terri Davidson of Davidson Communication, the wonderful people at Village Fertility Pharmacy.
To everyone who has sent their congratulations! Thank you! Thank you! Kristen
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Hope Award for Best Book, Coping
I am honored to share with you the following news from RESOLVE National:
The Hope Award for Best Book, Coping
Inaugural Award! Given to an individual/organization whose printed book enhances the lives of people with infertility with a message of how to cope and live with the disease.
Kristen Magnacca, Love and Infertility: Survival Strategies for Balancing, Infertility, Marriage, and Life
I am truly touched by the nomination and receiving this award. A special thank you to Dr. Robert Kiltz, founder of Cny Fertility and Healing Arts Center for his support.
Thank you!
Blessings, Kristen
The Hope Award for Best Book, Coping
Inaugural Award! Given to an individual/organization whose printed book enhances the lives of people with infertility with a message of how to cope and live with the disease.
Kristen Magnacca, Love and Infertility: Survival Strategies for Balancing, Infertility, Marriage, and Life
I am truly touched by the nomination and receiving this award. A special thank you to Dr. Robert Kiltz, founder of Cny Fertility and Healing Arts Center for his support.
Thank you!
Blessings, Kristen
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW)
One of my favorite quotes is from Oliver Wendell Holmes: "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience." In that spirit it is my intention to share a few insights to help change your current experience! Blessings! Kristen
I just wanted to post my upcoming events for National Infertility Awareness Week which is April 25th through May 2nd. Dr. Robert Kiltz has invited me to co present with him at his centers Cny Fertility Centers (cnyfertility.com) and I look forward to sharing insights, strategies and life balancing tidbits over the course of these events.
April 23rd at 7:00pm Live Chat on CNYHealingarts.com
(http://www.cnyhealingarts.com/forum/) Log on from the comfort of your own home! I'll be on the forum for an hour sharing insights and answering your questions. Please feel free to email me your questions prior to the chat if you'd like at kristen@kristenmagnacca.com.
Latham, NY
April 30th from 12:00 to 2:00pm at Cny Fertility Center
Dr. Rob and I will be presenting "Creating & Clarity for Your Vision". If you attended the Love and Infertility Workshop please bring your goals or pocket companion, if you have not attended the programs not to worry I'll have a "Pocket Companion" waiting for you when you arrive.
Immediately following the presentation a special Yoga for Fertility Sample Class with Linda Hill will be offered.
Syracuse, NY
May 1st from 12:00 to 2:00pm at the Cny Healing Arts Center
191 Intrepid Lane. (See Description above) Immediately following the presentation a special Yoga for Fertility Sample Class with Cynthia Broccoli will be offered.
Rochester, NY
May 2nd from 1:00 pm to 3:00pm at the Cny Healing Arts Center. (See Description above) Immediately following the presentation a special Yoga for Fertility Sample Class with Erin McCollough will be offered.
A Light lunch will be served
Please R.S.V.P. to Christine Briel at events@robertkiltz.com.
Thank you!
I just wanted to post my upcoming events for National Infertility Awareness Week which is April 25th through May 2nd. Dr. Robert Kiltz has invited me to co present with him at his centers Cny Fertility Centers (cnyfertility.com) and I look forward to sharing insights, strategies and life balancing tidbits over the course of these events.
April 23rd at 7:00pm Live Chat on CNYHealingarts.com
(http://www.cnyhealingarts.com/forum/) Log on from the comfort of your own home! I'll be on the forum for an hour sharing insights and answering your questions. Please feel free to email me your questions prior to the chat if you'd like at kristen@kristenmagnacca.com.
Latham, NY
April 30th from 12:00 to 2:00pm at Cny Fertility Center
Dr. Rob and I will be presenting "Creating & Clarity for Your Vision". If you attended the Love and Infertility Workshop please bring your goals or pocket companion, if you have not attended the programs not to worry I'll have a "Pocket Companion" waiting for you when you arrive.
Immediately following the presentation a special Yoga for Fertility Sample Class with Linda Hill will be offered.
Syracuse, NY
May 1st from 12:00 to 2:00pm at the Cny Healing Arts Center
191 Intrepid Lane. (See Description above) Immediately following the presentation a special Yoga for Fertility Sample Class with Cynthia Broccoli will be offered.
Rochester, NY
May 2nd from 1:00 pm to 3:00pm at the Cny Healing Arts Center. (See Description above) Immediately following the presentation a special Yoga for Fertility Sample Class with Erin McCollough will be offered.
A Light lunch will be served
Please R.S.V.P. to Christine Briel at events@robertkiltz.com.
Thank you!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Vision Board

I wanted to share with you a testimonial from a wonderful woman that attended a recent workshop that was presented at CNY Fertility Center, www.cnyfertility.com
The center is own by Dr. Robert Kiltz who is a reproductive endocrinologist and a healer that practices science while incorporating the mind, body and soul into his process while he assists his clients during the time they are creating their families. Please visit Dr. Rob's site www.mindbodysmile.com to learn more about him. I want to thank him for allowing me to be part of his centers.
Kristy Lee writes with such graciousness about our time together. I am sharing her beautiful words on my blog because her actions demonstrates the power of a Vision Board and she is an amazing example of changing your thoughts and you change your life.
It was really All God and Her.
From Kristy Lee:
"I signed up for Kristen's "Love & Infertility" workshops despite a lot of hesitation. I had just gone through a painful, but successful, HSG exam and I needed some kind of support and coaching. I had no idea what to expect: would I be in a room full of weepy, a barren woman? Would we hold hands and hug and eat chocolate? Would we all feel angry at yell at the fates? What could I possibly get out of this? At 25 years old, I was not a stranger to the effects of my PCOS/hypothyroidism/Luteal Phase defect, but I had no idea how to handle the overwhelming feeling of knowing my body was failing me. Despite my hesitation, I signed up for Kristen's workshops at the CNY Fertility Center. I knew I had to get the emotional and spiritual support that modern medicine couldn't give me.
Kristen's workshops changed my life. For months I had been angry at myself and was hurling hatred and insults at my body. I had always been a determined, driven young woman; and now I was failing at the most natural thing in the world. Kristen's workshops taught me to begin the healing process. I had to forgive myself, let myself grieve, and let myself hope. After the first session, I felt as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. The room was not full of angry, barren women. Instead, I saw myself in each and every one of the faces in the crowd. I was not alone. My entire way of thinking changed; I read Kristen's book in one sitting and put all her exercises into practice.
My husband attended the next two sessions along with me. Our homework after the second session was to create a vision board. We had to put out into the universe our dreams, our goals, and our desires. My husband and I worked on the vision board for weeks, cutting out pictures from magazines and scraps of paper and gluing them all together. I channeled my frustration at my unpredictable cycles and vague ovulation predictor kits into my vision board. When it was completed, it was - to my husband and I - a masterpiece.
One week before the final workshop, I found myself face to face with a pregnancy test. I was waiting for a new cycle to start so that I could start Clomid and, hopefully, my first pregnancy. My period was due tomorrow but then I realized...it wouldn't be due for another nine months or so. I was pregnant, without any medication or drastic medical intervention. My first baby, my miracle, the answer to many prayers, is due in August 2009.
Without Kristen's help, I don't think I would be pregnant right now. Kristen helped me tune into my body and my thoughts and, unwittingly, prepared me for this pregnancy. Kristen did for me what modern medicine could not: teach me to forgive myself, accept myself, and let life work out the way it's meant to."
From Kristy Lee:
"I signed up for Kristen's "Love & Infertility" workshops despite a lot of hesitation. I had just gone through a painful, but successful, HSG exam and I needed some kind of support and coaching. I had no idea what to expect: would I be in a room full of weepy, a barren woman? Would we hold hands and hug and eat chocolate? Would we all feel angry at yell at the fates? What could I possibly get out of this? At 25 years old, I was not a stranger to the effects of my PCOS/hypothyroidism/Luteal Phase defect, but I had no idea how to handle the overwhelming feeling of knowing my body was failing me. Despite my hesitation, I signed up for Kristen's workshops at the CNY Fertility Center. I knew I had to get the emotional and spiritual support that modern medicine couldn't give me.
Kristen's workshops changed my life. For months I had been angry at myself and was hurling hatred and insults at my body. I had always been a determined, driven young woman; and now I was failing at the most natural thing in the world. Kristen's workshops taught me to begin the healing process. I had to forgive myself, let myself grieve, and let myself hope. After the first session, I felt as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. The room was not full of angry, barren women. Instead, I saw myself in each and every one of the faces in the crowd. I was not alone. My entire way of thinking changed; I read Kristen's book in one sitting and put all her exercises into practice.
My husband attended the next two sessions along with me. Our homework after the second session was to create a vision board. We had to put out into the universe our dreams, our goals, and our desires. My husband and I worked on the vision board for weeks, cutting out pictures from magazines and scraps of paper and gluing them all together. I channeled my frustration at my unpredictable cycles and vague ovulation predictor kits into my vision board. When it was completed, it was - to my husband and I - a masterpiece.
One week before the final workshop, I found myself face to face with a pregnancy test. I was waiting for a new cycle to start so that I could start Clomid and, hopefully, my first pregnancy. My period was due tomorrow but then I realized...it wouldn't be due for another nine months or so. I was pregnant, without any medication or drastic medical intervention. My first baby, my miracle, the answer to many prayers, is due in August 2009.
Without Kristen's help, I don't think I would be pregnant right now. Kristen helped me tune into my body and my thoughts and, unwittingly, prepared me for this pregnancy. Kristen did for me what modern medicine could not: teach me to forgive myself, accept myself, and let life work out the way it's meant to."
Dr. Robert Kiltz,
Kristen Magnacca,
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