Diana Buono,
Her Pearls of Wisdom....
I am a happily married woman of 19 years with three loving children ranging in age from 7 to 16 years old.
My faith and love of God are the driving forces in my life and permeate all that I attempt to do to give Him glory. The foundation of which is to live by the “Golden Rule” which is, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Translated for each of my children since they were toddlers as,
“Treat other people the way you want to be treated.”
I am a Type A person with a running to do list always in my head. I've noticed that sometimes I get so caught up in my agenda of accomplishments that I plan to make for the day that I lose sight of living in the moment and being open to the non-agenda "obstacles" that are frequently placed in my path. I've come to learn that it is good to have a tentative plan for the day that is flexible enough to be open to God's will and agenda as well. The following quote from a Lenten reflection book this year really sealed my commitment to strive to live this daily:
"Life is not so much about what we accomplish but what God does in us with our consent."
I also begin my morning with the following personal prayer in the fervent hope each day that, as Ralph Waldo Emerson so beautifully stated in his poem about a measure of success being, if “even one life has breathed easier” because He chose to use me as his instrument.
Dear Lord, Please bless me with an abundance of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I need today to be a better daughter to you, a better wife to my husband, a better mother to my children and a better friend to my neighbor. Help me to see the world through your eyes so that I may have the proper spiritual perspective to do Your will in all situations I encounter. Please grant this through the Immaculate Heart of your mother Mary on whose intercession I continually rely for help. Amen.