Karen Johnson,
Her Pearls of Wisdom....
[The first women I contacted about "her pearls of wisdom" were my family members and my sister. Karen is a nurse and works at Bay State Medical Center in the quality assessment department. ]
"this too shall pass" - I use this one often to remind myself that a difficult period in time will pass and things will get better.
It seems whenever I am feeling particularly sorry for myself or my situation - God puts me right in the path of someone who clearly has it much worse than I. I can't tell you how often I am walking through the halls of the hospital enjoying my own pity party when around the corner comes a critically ill child or grieving family. I always say, "Thanks God, I got it". As George, my husband, says, you don't have to look very far to find someone who is having a harder time than you. It is sometimes hard for me to remember, so I am always grateful when God reminds me.
Doing something for someone makes me feel better too. Sometimes I pay for someone's coffee in the cafeteria line and then there is always the Christmas Family and the foster kids we buy for- At work we also buy back to school stuff for the school across the street from the hospital - the inner city kids at Lincoln school would not have school supplies without our help. We send supplies to the troops in Iraq, and collect for collegues that are having a tough time, etc, etc-
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