Doreen Condry,
Her Pearls of Wisdom...
As a young girl, my mother’s influence helped develop the depth of love for God I carry on my journey through life.
We all have a choice to make. My choice is to love each and every one of God’s children no matter what difference is seen on the outside. Inside each of God’s children is a “Pearl” of God’s love that will shine through if allowed. Everyone is in need of love. I ask God each day to use me as a vessel to do His work.
My pearl of wisdom is “Love is the basis for all good things.”
Without love and light you are a misguided vessel. With love, the abundant joy you will feel doing God’s work is all that you need to flourish in this life.
Another would be, “Seek peace and gain wisdom from those that have come before you”. Elderly people are the salt of the earth. They have experienced most of what we will face. They can prepare us in some way to handle life’s challenges and uncertainties.
Doreen Condry Interiors
"A full service design center"
Home office: 508-529-6716
Mobile phone: 508-726-9580
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