Monday, September 13, 2010

A Few Announcements!

First, I want to thank Rachel Gurevich for a great review of my book, Love & Infertility, on Check it out here!

We have several great articles and events coming your way this month:

I have a new article I'd like to encourage you with over at CNY Fertility, I hope you take a minute to read it. Also, be sure to set aside Mon, Sept. 20 6:30-7:30pm EST for a complimentary tele-workshop hosted by CNY, and presented by yours truly! We will focus on some valuable relaxation techniques, and you can call in from anywhere to join us. Hope to "see" you there!

The second Tuesday of every month is Tele-Tuesday. Plan to join us Sept. 14, 6:30-8:00pm EST, from within the comfort of your own home. Find out call-in details on my calendar page.

And of course, we have a special Fall Fertility Coaching Group this month on Sept. 22! I hope you'll be there!

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