Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is your Summer Intention?

Have you felt it? The feeling of summer is here! The sun, the fun and more relaxed atmosphere has enveloped us!

My family has set our intention on having fun! We took a "staycation" and did tourist things here on Cape Cod Massachusetts and also have planned activities to look forward to such as a Red Sox Game, Concerts and boating.

What is your summer intention? Whatever it is I hope for you a shift in your energy to that of a great sense of renewal!

I hope that you are able to join me for the following Summer Fun Offerings!

Thursday, July 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m Village Fertility Pharmacy will host a Ladies’ Night Out with RESOLVE’s “Best Book” Hope Award winner and author Kristen Magnacca on Thursday, July 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the pharmacy’s new facility at 335 Bear Hill Road in Waltham, Mass. The event is free and open to all women; wine and cheese will be served. Those who would like to attend may RSVP to Maya Nair at The first 10 women to RSVP will receive a free copy of Love and Infertility: Strategies for Survival – Balancing Infertility, Marriage, and Life!

Wednesday , August 5th @ 2:00 pm to 3:00 Pm Listen in if you can to my conversation with Kim Hahn of Conceive On Air

Tuesday, August 11th @ noon. I'll be hosting a Brown Bag Tele-workshop
Join me for a half hour of tidbits, insights and strategies to keep yourself cool during life's rough spots. Listen in on your lunch time at your desk or from pool side. Please RSVP to me at to receive dial in information. This is a free event.

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